Table 4.
Overview of study findings and expected relationships between cough counts and measures of asthma.
Types of validity | Expected relationships | Statistical method | Findings | |
Concurrent validity |
Cough counts and FeNO and lung function | Positive association with FeNO; negative association with lung function | Correlation | No significant correlations with FeNO; cough counts were negatively associated with FEV1 and FVC |
Cough counts and symptom diary data and VAS | Positive association | Correlation | Associated with limited activities and approached significance for shortness of breath and number of rescue medications use in the past 24 hours |
Cough counts and asthma control | Negative association | Correlation | Cough counts were negatively associated with asthma control |
Cough counts and quality of life | Negative association | Correlation | Approached significance with quality of life, activity, and symptom subscales |
Cough counts and health care utilization | Positive association | Correlation | No association between cough counts and health care use before the 7-day trial; however, cough counts showed positive association with health care use during the 7-day trial |
Predictive validity |
Cough counts and asthma control and quality of life 3 months later | Cough counts predicting asthma control and quality of life | Multiple regression | Coughs predicted asthma control 3 months later explaining 42% of the variance in asthma control. Coughs predicted the quality of life total score and each of subscales 3 months later, explaining variance in quality of life, which ranged from 28% to 41% |
Cough counts and health care utilization 3 months later | Cough counts predicting health care utilization | Multiple regression | Coughs predicted health care utilization 3 months later explaining 76% of the variance in health care utilization |
Clinical prediction |
Area under the curve |
ROC curve analysis | 0.71 (95% CI 0.58-0.84) |
Cutoff point |
ROC curve analysis | 0.56 (0.83 coughs/hour or 19.92 coughs/day) |
Sensitivity | Discrimination of positive asthma diagnosis by a cutoff | ROC curve analysis | 51.3% sensitivity |
Specificity | Discrimination of negative asthma diagnosis by a cutoff | ROC curve analysis | 72.7% specificity |