The grf10Δ mutant is defective in forming chlamydospores. Chlamydospore formation was induced on corn meal agar medium. View of the edge of a streak showing filamentation from (A) OHWT and (B) the grf10Δ mutant at low magnification (1.25× magnification). Representative chlamydospores or individual cells observed from (C) strain OHWT, (D) the grf10Δ mutant TF021, (E) BWP17, (F) the grf10Δ mutant RAC117, (G) the GRF10/grf10Δ heterozygous strain RAC114, (H) and the GRF10 restored strain RAC120. Panels (C) and (D), 20× magnification; panels (E–H), 40× magnification.