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. 2016 Jan 8;16:1. doi: 10.1186/s12903-015-0139-y

Table 2.

Characteristics of the treatment received by the patients, and pathological findings

Characteristics of treatment received by patients TNM Stage 1 TNM Stage 2 TNM Stage 3 TNM Stage 4 Unknown
Total number of patients at each TNM stage (%) 20 (6.3) 19 (6.1) 117 (37.4) 122 (39.0) 35 (11.2)
Type of surgery
 Excision of the lesion only 20 03 ---- --- ----
 Excision of the lesion + Neck dissection -- 16 117 122 35
*Status of the surgical margins of the lesion
 Tumour with >5 mm clearance 14(70) 15(79) 71(60.6) 50(41) 12
 Tumour with <1 mm clearance -- --- 24(20.5) 46(37.8) 09
 Tumour with 1–5 mm clearance 02(10) --- 14(12.0) 13(10.6) ---
 Tumour with dysplasia at excision margin/s 04(20) 04(21) 08(06.9) 13(10.6) 14
Status of the lymph nodes
 Metastasis present --- 01(6.3) 31(26.5) 39 (32) 04
 Metastasis absent ---- 15(93.7) 86(73.5) 83 (68) 31

Tumour with >5 mm clearance at all excision margins are considered as completely excised

Tumour with <1 mm clearance at one or more than one excision margin are considered as incompletely excised

Tumour with 1–5 mm clearance at one or more than one excision margin are considered as closely excised

Tumour with dysplasia at excision margins considered as such when any degree of dysplasia extends in to one or more than one excision margin