Figure 5.
A switch in the MTERF1 superhelical topology. (A) In recognition mode, unbiased MD simulations show that MTERF1 populates a high pitch state consistent being bound to unwound (high pitch) DNA. The DNA is not shown for clarity. To show the expected range of B-DNA pitch, horizontal lines mark the average structure of B-DNA (black) plus one, two and three standard deviations (grey, red, blue, respectively). A vertical guide is placed at 7 Å to represent B-DNA radius compatibility. (B) In the absence of DNA, apo MTERF1 samples a wide range of superhelical conformations, extending into the range compatible with B-DNA. (C) In search mode, the superhelical dynamics of MTERF1 are suppressed by B-DNA with a much narrower distribution of both pitch and radius. Compared with holo-specific, the small increase in radius of holo-nonspecific is likely caused by the decrease in pitch. Snapshots of MTERF1 were selected evenly from concatenated trajectories of the respective ensembles; the N-terminus is towards the top.