Structure of the MMACHC interaction module of MMADHC. A, graphic representation of the MmMMADHCΔ128 structure in orthogonal views. Secondary structures are colored green for β-sheets and red for α-helices. The first (aa 132) and last (aa 296) residues observed in the structure are labeled with N and C, respectively. Dotted lines indicate disordered regions. Inset: view of the σ-weighted (2Fo − Fc) electron density map of MmMMADHCΔ128 aa region 190–217, contoured at σ = 1. B, surface representation of MmMMADHCΔ128 (same orientation as A, right panel) highlighting the three protrusions (Pr1–Pr3) in blue. C, topology diagram of the MmMMADHCΔ128 secondary structure with the same coloring and labeling as in A and B. Disordered regions are shown as dashed lines.