Fig. 3.
Comparisons between groups for global network measures at different edge densities from 3.6% to 39.6% (shown as curves) and using integrated network measures, that is, average across this range of edge densities (shown as box plots at the right of each network measure's curve). Measures assessed were: clustering coefficient C, characteristic path length L, global efficiency E, modularity Q, normalized clustering Cnorm, normalized path length Lnorm, and small-worldness σ. On average, dementia with Lewy body (DLB) patients showed higher E and lower C compared with healthy controls (HC) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Small-worldness is also higher in DLB compared with AD. Error bars indicate 1 standard deviation from the mean. Triangular and squared markers are indicative of significant differences (analysis of variance [ANOVA] with post-hoc Bonferroni correction) between studied groups at the indicated edge densities. Asterisks (*) show significant differences (2-tailed unpaired t tests) between the indicated groups using integrated network measures estimated from each participant.