Table 1.
Final population pharmacokinetic parameters for trastuzumab
Parameter | Population estimate (% RSE) | Between-subject variability (CV %) | Bootstrap estimate, median (2.5, 97.5 percentile) |
Bioavailability of SC regimen (−) | 0.771 (1.45) | 13.0 | 0.773 (0.747, 0.797) |
First-order SC absorption rate [Ka (day−1)] | 0.404 (2.92) | – | 0.403 (0.381, 0.429) |
Linear CL (L/day) | 0.111 (10.3) | 30.0 | 0.115 (0.094, 0.153) |
V max (mg/day) | 11.9 (19.9) | – | 11.0 (5.2, 16.3) |
Km (mg/L) | 33.9 (38.6) | – | 28.5 (5.69, 67.2) |
V c (L) | 2.91 (1.24) | 19.1 | 2.92 (2.85, 3.00) |
Q (L/day) | 0.445 (10.5) | – | 0.444 (0.314, 0.539) |
V p (L) | 3.06 (3.23) | 50.4 | 3.08 (2.88, 3.31) |
Influence of body weight on linear CL | 1.04 (11.3) | – | 0.998 (0.695, 1.26) |
Influence of body weight on V c | 0.443 (11.3) | – | 0.445 (0.336, 0.535) |
Influence of body weight on V p | 0.500 (22.2) | – | 0.481 (0.200, 0.735) |
Influence of ALT on linear CL | 0.144 (20.8) | – | 0.136 (0.085, 0.205) |
Proportional variability (%) | 23.9 (3.62) | – | 23.9 (23.0, 24.7) |
Additive variability (µg/mL) | 4.48 (21.7) | – | 4.43 (3.33, 5.27) |
ALT, alanine transaminase; CV, coefficient of variation; Km, concentration at which the nonlinear clearance rate is half of V max; RSE, relative standard error; SC, subcutaneous
CLi = 0.111 · (WTi/68)1.04 · (ALTi/19)0.144