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. 2015 Dec 10;183(2):130–137. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwv189

Table 3.

Likelihood of Experimental Group Members’ Uptake of the Intervention and Quality of Neighborhood Throughout the Program Among Households Randomly Assigned to the Low-Poverty Voucher Group, Moving to Opportunity Program, 1994/1997–2002a

Outcome Odds Ratio β P Valueb 95% Confidence Interval
Predictor: Child Health Problem in the Household
Moved with the program (yes = 1, no = 0) 0.62c 0.015 0.42, 0.91
Poverty rate in neighborhood of take-up (estimated using intercensal interpolationd), % 2.49e 0.002 0.90, 4.07
Proportion of time spent in neighborhoods with <10% poverty during the study (1994/1997–2002) −0.05c 0.025 −0.10, −0.01
Duration-weighted poverty, average %f 3.38c 0.019 0.47, 6.30
No. of moves during the study (1994/1997–2002) −0.26c 0.018 −0.47, −0.04
Predictor: Any Health Problem in the Household
Moved with the program (yes = 1, no = 0) 0.87 0.357 0.64, 1.18
Poverty rate in neighborhood of take-up (estimated using intercensal interpolationd), % 1.57e 0.005 0.47, 2.67

Abbreviation: LPV, low-poverty voucher.

a All models incorporated weights and relied on robust standard errors. Unless otherwise noted, the sample size was 1,716, representing all households in the LPV group. All models controlled for the full set of baseline covariates listed as such in Table 1: age group (as of May 31, 1996), sex, study site, race/ethnicity, marital and parental status, employment and welfare status, educational status, possession of a car, victimization of a household member, household size, mobility history, baseline neighborhood characteristics (including perceived neighborhood safety), and motivation to move.

b t test from regression models with multiple controls.

c P < 0.01.

d There were 806 households in the LPV group who moved using the program voucher.

e P < 0.05.

f Duration-weighted poverty was an average of poverty percentages experienced across all neighborhoods in which a participant lived during the study, weighted by the proportion of time spent in each particular neighborhood relative to the total amount of time spent in the study.