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. 2015 Dec 27;17(12):e24723. doi: 10.5812/ircmj.24723

Table 1. The Prevalence (95% CI) of Metabolic Syndrome in Iranian Adults in Population-Based Studies.

Reference Location and Study Type Study Population Sampling Method Study Date Publication Date Age Range, Y Mean Age (Mean ± SD) Gender Urban/Rural Sample Size Criteria Considerations Prevalence of MetS (95% CI)
Faam et al. (30) Tehran (TLGS, phase 3), local study Healthy adults Random sampling 2005 - 2008 2013 20 - 70 T: 40.7 ± 13.9 Both U T: 4,665; M: 1,976; F: 2,689 JIS Participants who had diabetes mellitus (n = 390) or body mass index (BMI) less than 18 kg/m (n = 152) were exclude.Waist circumference cut-off points were not mentioned T: 31.5 (30.1 - 32.8)
Ziaee et al. (31) Mindoodar district of Qazvin, local study Healthy adults Multistage random cluster sampling 2010 - 2011 2013 20 - 78 T: 40.08 ± 10.33; M: 42.31 ± 10.56; F: 38.02 ± 9.69 Both R T: 1,107; M: 529; F: 578 JIS Waist circumference cut-off points were ≥ 94 cm in men or ≥ 80 cm in women T: 39.3 (36.4 - 42.2)
Movahed et al. (32) Bushehr Port, (Iranian Multicentral Osteoporosis Study), local study Postmenopausal women Randomcluster sampling 2006 2012 50 - 83 F: 58.78 ± 7.8 F U T: 382 ATP III T: 68.32 (63.3 - 72.9)
Yousefzadeh et al. (33) Kerman,local study Healthy adults Random sampling 2012 15 - 75 T: 46.52 ± 14.76 Both U T: 200; M: 81; F: 119 Modified ATP III T: 60 (52.8 - 66.8)
Azimi-Nezhad et al. (34) Greater Khorasan province, (National Survey on Non-communicable Disease), local study Healthy adults Multistage random sampling 2003 2012 35 - 55 Both T: 1,194; M: 58; F: 605 Modified ATP III T: 42.66 (39.8 - 45.4); M: 30.1 (26.3 - 33.9); F: 55.0 (50.9 - 59.0)
Hadaegh et al. (35) Tehran (TLGS, phase 1), local study Subjects free of CVD Random sampling 1999 - 2001 2012 40 ≤ T:54 ± 9.8; M: 55.3 ± 10.5; F: 53.0 ± 9.3 Both U T: 4,248; M:1,856 F:2,392 JIS Waist circumference cut-off point was ≥ 94.5 cm for both Iranian men and women T: 51.6 (50 - 53.1); M: 45.7 (43.4 - 47.9); F: 56.2 (54.1 - 58.1)
Talaei et al. (36) Isfahan, Arak and Najafabad, local study Healthy adults Multistage random sampling 2001 2012 ≥ 35 T: 50.7 ± 11.6; M: 51.1 ± 11.9; F: 50.3 ± 11.3 Both Both T: 6,323; M: 3,068; F: 3,255 Modified ATP III T: 37.1 (35.9 - 38.3); M: 21.5 (20.0 - 23.0); F: 51.7 (49.9 - 53.4)
Zarkesh et al. (37) Tehran, (TLGS, phase III), local study Healthy adults Random sampling 2006 - 2008 2012 ≥ 19 T: 46.1 ± 16.1 Both U T: 365; M: 134; F: 231 JIS Waist circumference cut-off point was > 89 cm in men and > 91 cm in women T: 43.8 (38.6 -49)
Ghorbani et al. (38) Semnan, local study Healthy adults Multistage random sampling 1384 2012 30 - 70 T: 45.7 ± 10.06; M: 46.6 ± 10.4; F: 45.1 ± 9.8 Both Both T: 3,799; M: 1,695; F: 2,104 Modified ATP III; IDF T: 28.5 (27.1 - 29.9); M: 17 (15.2 - 18.8); F: 37.8 (35.7 - 39.8). T: 35.8 (34.3-37.3); M: 25.4 (23.3-27.5); F: 44.1 (41.9-46.2)
Rezaianzadeh et al. (39) Yazd (phase I of Yazd Healthy Heart Program) Healthy adults Cluster sampling 2004 - 2005 2012 20 - 74 T: 48.75 ± 15; M: 48.8 ± 15; F: 48.6 ± 15 Both U T: 2,000 IDF T: 30.16 (0.02); M: 31.6 (0.02); F: 30.2 (0.02)
Hosseinpanah et al. (40) Ghazvin, Kermanshah, Golestan, and Hormozgan (Iranian PCOS Prevalence Study), multicity study Females Stratified, multistage cluster sampling 2009 - 2010 2011 18 - 45 T: 36 ± 7.5 F U T: 423 JIS Waist circumference cut-off point was ≥ 91 cm T: 18.3 (15.1 - 21.5)
Esteghamati et al. (27) Tehran, (the Third National Surveillance of Risk Factors of Non-communicable Diseases), local study Individuals with body mass index < 18.5 kg/m2 were excluded Random Cluster sampling 2007 2011 25 - 64 T: 43.18 ± 0.3; M:43.4 ± 0.3; F: 43.0 ± 0.3 Both U T: 2,660; M: 1,245; F: 1,415 Modified ATP III; Iranian modified IDF (waist circumference cut-off point was ≥ 90 cm for both men and women) Individuals with self-reported diabetes were excluded T: 38.09 (36.23 - 39.9); M: 29.9 (27.3 - 32.5); F: 45.3 (42.6 - 47.9). T: 38.4 (36.5-40.2); M: 39.1 (36.3-41.8); F: 37.8 (35.2-40.3)
Sahebari et al. (41) Great Khorasan province, local study Healthy adults 2011 T: 45.6 ± 12; M: 44.7 ± 12; F: 44.1 ± 13 Both Both T: 500; M: 69; F: 431 ATP III; IDF T: 53.8 (49.3 - 58.2); M: 21.7 (12.7 - 33.3); F: 51 (46.2 - 55.8). T: 34.2 (30 - 38.5); M: 29 (18.6 - 41.1); F: 57.8 (52.9 - 62.4)
Esmaillzadeh et al. (42) Tehran, local study Female teachers Multistage random cluster sampling 2007 2011 40 - 60 T: 49 ± 6 F U T: 486 ATP III Subjects taking antihypertensive, lipid lowering, or antidiabetic medications were excluded T: 30 (25.9 - 34.3)
Esteghamati et al. (43) All 30 provinces of Iran (the Third National Surveillance of Risk Factors of Non-Communicable Diseases ) (SuRFNCD), national study Healthy adults Random cluster sampling 2007 2011 25 - 64 T: 43.59 ± 11.2; M: 43.69±11.6; F: 43.5 ± 10.9 Both Both T: 3,045; M: 1,468; F: 1,577 IDF Waist circumference cut-off point was ≥ 90 cm in both males and females T: 39.9 (38.1 - 41.6); M: 38.2 (35.7 - 40.7); F: 41.5 (39 - 43.9)
Ramezani et al. (44) Ghazvin, Kermanshah, Golestan, and Hormozgan, multicity study Healthy adults Multistage random cluster sampling 2011 18 - 45 F U T: 914 Modified ATP III T: 17.5 (15.09 - 20.1)
Ghasemi et al. (45) Tehran, (TLGS, phase 3), local study Healthy adults Multistage, stratified random cluster sampling 2007 - 2008 2010 60 - 90 Both U T: 137; M: 89; F: 48 ATP III T: 43.8 (35.3 - 52.5); M: 30.3 (21.03 - 40.99); F: 68.8 (53.6 - 61.3)
Delavari et al. (14) All 30 provinces in Iran, national study Healthy adults Multistage Random cluster sampling 2007 2009 25 - 64 T: 41.3 ± 3.81; M: 41.5 ± 2.64; F: 41.2 ± 2.74 Both Both T: 2,966 M: 1,431; F: 1,535 ATP III; Modified ATP III T: 35.6 (34.1 - 37.1); M: 28.8 (27.0-30.5); F: 42.8 (40.4 - 45.1). T: 42.3 (40.7-43.8); M: 36.3 (34.4-38.1); F: 48.5 (46.2-50.9)
Jalali et al. (46) Akbar abad Koar Fars near Shiraz, local study Healthy adults Simple random sampling 2008 2009 18 - 90 T: 38.7 ± 14.3; M: 40.5 ± 15.9; F: 37.4 ± 13.7 Both R T: 1,402; M: 360; F: 1,042 ATP III; Modified ATP III; IDF T: 25.6 (23.3 - 27.9); M: 29.16 (24.5 - 34.1); F: 24.28 (21.7 - 27.0). T: 29 (26.5 - 31.4). T: 33 (30.4 - 35.4)
Delavar et al. (47) Babol, local study Female adults Systematic random sampling 2009 30 - 50 F: 40.2 ± 0.2 F U T: 944 ATP III T: 31 (28.1-33.9)
Sharifi et al. (48) Zanjan, local study Healthy adults Stratified, multistage random sampling 2002 - 2003 2009 > 20 Both U T: 2,941; M: 1,396; F: 1,545 Modified ATP III T: 23.7 (22.1 - 25.2); M: 23.1 (20.8 - 25.2); F: 24.4 (22.2 - 26.5)
Sarrafzadegan et al. (49) Isfehan, Irak, and Najaf-Abad, local study Healthy adults Two-stage random cluster sampling 2000 - 2001 2008 ≥ 19 Both Both T: 12,514; M: 6,123; F: 6,391 ATP III T: 23.3 (22.5 - 24.0); M: 10.7 (9.9 - 11.4) F: 35.1 (33.9 - 36.2)
Hadaegh et al. (50) Tehran, (TLGS, phase 1), local study Healthy adults Multistage random cluster sampling 1999 - 2001 2008 ≥ 20 T: 42.6 ± 13.6 Both U T: 4,568; M: 1,882; F: 2,686 WHO Diabetes patients were excluded T: 9.2 (8.3 - 10.0)
Zabetian et al. (51) Tehran, (TLGS, phase 1), local study Healthy adults Multistage random cluster sampling 1999 - 2001 2007 ≥ 20 T: 42.7 ± 15.0 ; M: 44.1 ± 15.6; F: 41.7 ± 14.4 Both U T: 10,368 M: 4,397; F: 5,971 IDF T: 31 (30.1 - 31.8); M: 21 (19.7 - 22.2); F: 41 ; (39.7 - 42.2)
Nabipour et al. (52) Bushehr, Genaveh, and Deilam, local study Healthy adults Random Cluster sampling 2003 - 2004 2007 ≥ 25 Both Both T: 3,723; M: 1,746; F: 1,977 ATP III T: 52.1 (47.3 - 50.6); M: 54.6 (50.3 - 53.6); F: 49.9 (44.5 - 48.5)
Sadrbafghi et al. (53) Yazd, local study Healthy adults Random Cluster sampling 2004 2006 20 - 74 T:49 ± 18; M: 48.9 ± 15.4; F: 49.2 ± 21.4 Both U T: 1,110; M: 550; F: 557 ATP III T: 32.1 (29.3 - 34.9); M: 37.8 (33.7 - 42.0); F: 62.2 (57.9 - 66.1)
Fakhrzadeh et al. (54) Tehran, local study Healthy adults Single-stage cluster sampling 2003 2006 25 - 64 T: 41.26 ± 12.06 Both U T: 1,480; M: 571; F: 909 ATP III T: 29.9 (27.6 - 32.2); M: 20.3 (17.08 - 23.85); F: 35.9 (32.74 - 39.07)
Azizi et al. (16) Tehran, (TLGS, phase 1), local study Healthy adults Multistage, stratified random cluster sampling 1999 - 2001 2003 ≥ 20 Both U T: 10,368; M: 4,397; F: 5,971 ATP III T: 33.7 (32.8 - 34.6); M: 24 (22.7 - 25.2); F: 42 (40.7 - 43.2)