Figure 2. Single-population selection statistics in French Bulldogs.
Results for iHS, nSL, H, H12, Tajima’s D, CLR, and π along those chromosomes that harbor at least one of our positive controls. For iHS, nSL, H12, Tajima’s D, and π, the blue lines show results for a window size of 25 SNPs, grey lines show results for a larger windows of 201 SNPs. Note that signals of positive selection correspond to higher values of iHS, nSL, H, H12 and CLR, but lower values of π and more negative values of Tajima’s D. Horizontal dashed lines indicate the 95% quantile cutoffs for the given statistic and window size, which we estimated for each chromosome separately. The positions of the controls are indicated by vertical red lines. The width of these lines corresponds to the frequency at which the causal mutation was observed in the breed in our sample (thin lines: low frequency; thick lines: high frequency). Scans for all 25 breeds are presented in Figure S3.