Figure 2. Overview of the IP map.
(a) Clustered heatmap of the drugs and immune cell state changes organized by the immunemod score. Venn diagrams reflect the number of drugs that shift immune cell states a specific or non-specific direction. (b) Two-dimensional heatmap of the stable cell and drug clusters with a significant enrichment for at least one cell type (rows) or a level 1 therapeutic class (columns). Therepeutic classes include: H = Systemic hormonal preparations, excl. sex hormones and insulins, V = Various, B = Blood and blood forming organs, P = Anti-parasitic products, M = Musculo-skeletal system, L = Anti-neoplastic and immunomodulating agents, G = Genito urinary system and sex hormones, R = Respiratory system, A = Alimentary tract and metabolism, D = Dermatologicals, J = Anti-infectives for systemic use, S = Sensory organs, N = Nervous system, and C = Cardiovascular system. Areas of corresponding circles represent the number of cells or drug per cluster (2–14 cells, 2–13 drugs). Gray colored squares indicate predicted interaction between at least one cell-drug pair in the pairs of clusters.