Subject area |
Evolution, phylogenetics |
More specific subject area |
Entomology, Functional Genomics |
Type of data |
Table with html sites for access to insect genomes |
Phylogenetic matrices in Nexus format |
Phylogeentic trees in Newick format |
Lists of FlyBase accessions for functional annotation of genes that are part of CORE genomes and UNIQUE genes |
Graphs of consistency index (CI) versus number unnannotated genes |
How data was acquired |
Raw data acquired from html download |
Phylogenetic matrices obtained by single linkage clustering approach |
Functional Annotation acquired from websites listed below |
Graphs obtained from phylogenetic analysis |
Data format |
Nexus files; excel spreadsheets; Newick formatted tree files |
Experimental factors |
Not applicable |
Experimental features |
Twenty-one whole insect genomes were filtered using a single linkage clustering approach to generate presence absence matrices for phylogenetic analysis. Lists of gene gains and losses were obtained for specified nodes in the phylogenetic tree using phylogenetic reconstruction approaches. These gene lists were then characterized for functional significance using the websites listed below. |
Data source location |
SeeSupplemental Table 1as described in the Appendix A section of this paper.
Data accessibility |
Data within this article |