Figure 6. Bayesian model selection results for different accumulation mechanisms for the DDM-equivalent and exact input model.
(a) Protected exceedance probability (EP) (belief of one model being more likely than any other model) between the three accumulation mechanisms: (i) standard accumulation (pink bars) as tested for in Fig. 3, (ii) leaky integration (yellow bars), and (iii) collapsing bound mechanism (dark blue bars). The cut-off probability for the exceedance probability is typically set at 0.95 (red line). (b) Posterior model probability (expected probability of obtaining the model when randomly selecting a participant). The red line is the null frequency profile over models, i.e., chance frequency level28. (c) Same format as in (a) but for the ExaM. (d) Same format as in (b) but for the ExaM. Error bars are standard deviation over participants. The model comparisons between the accumulation mechanisms were performed within the DDM-equivalent (a,b), and exact input (c,d) model, respectively.