A-F) Images and quantification of axonal growth cones from control and netrin-treated TRIM9+/+ and TRIM9−/− neurons, stained for phalloidin (red, left), VASP (green, middle) and βIII tubulin (blue, merge). Quantification of B) growth cone area +/−SEM, C) growth cone filopodia number +/−SEM, D) density of growth cone filopodia +/−SEM, E) filopodia length +/−SEM, and F) VASP fluorescence intensity relative to phalloidin +/− 95% CI from the tip of filopodia into growth cone. G-I) Images and quantification of TRIM9−/− growth cones stained for VASP (red), phalloidin (blue), and Myc (green, Myc or MycTRIM9). H) VASP fluorescence intensity normalized to phalloidin +/− 95% CI from filopodia tip into growth cone. Expression of TRIM9 rescues VASP localization. I) MycTRIM9 fluorescence intensity normalized to phalloidin +/− 95% CI from filopodia tip into growth cone. (See also FigS3)