An optimal conformal map and its applications. (a) The comparison of two surfaces F1 and F2 relies on the existence of a map f between these surfaces. When the two surfaces are of genus zero, it is possible to construct f as a composition of three maps C1, m and C2, where C1 and C2 are conformal maps from the surfaces F1 and F2 to the sphere and m is a bijective conformal map of the sphere to itself. The key to our approach is that the group of conformal self-maps of the sphere is the well-understood group of Möbius transformations. As such, m is defined by six parameters that can be optimized to yield minimal distortion. (b) Distortion is computed as the sum of the stretching induced by f on all edges in the mesh describing F1, and of the stretching induced by on all edges in the mesh describing F2. In the corresponding symmetric distortion energy Esd(f), each edge is weighted by the areas of its adjacent triangles. The energy of the minimizing map defines a distance dsd on the space of surfaces of genus 0. (c) Shape recognition is a natural application for the method described here. All surfaces shown here correspond to proximal metatarsal bones from baboons and lemurs. When the surface A is mapped onto the surfaces for baboon A and lemur A, the corresponding symmetric distortion distances dsd are 0.16 and 0.34, respectively, identifying surface A as corresponding to a baboon. By contrast, surface B is closer to lemur A, and therefore corresponds to a lemur. Regions on the images with large stretching are coloured. (d) The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) tree built from the distance matrix computed from a comprehensive comparison of all bones in database A clearly separates those bones into two categories, those from prosimians (left) and those from simians (right). This geometry-based categorization of the primates obtained from the metatarsal shapes can then be combined with other classifications to help understand their phylogeny. (Online version in colour.)