A Swarming behavior in control treated (left cultures vs. treatment with 1nM melatonin (right. Images were equally enhanced using “Bump Map” in GIMP software to highlight banding patterns. B The increase in swarming was only seen at 100pM and 1nM concentrations of melatonin, * = p value < 0.001 compared to vehicle treated cultures, n = 16 cultures per treatment. C Period of swarming as calculated by the number of rings observed per culture period of 4 days in n = 16 cultures per treatment, * = p value < 0.001. D Area of bacterial spread was unaffected by tryptophan (left, serotonin (middle and N-acetylserotonin (right, n = 16 cultures per treatment. E Melatonin did not affect growth in K. pneumoniae (left or clinical or lab strains of E. coli (middle and right, respectively, n = 16 cultures per strain per treatment.