Figure 2. Tissue-wide and sub-cellular distributions of the “open” and “closed” conformational states of Wts.
A) Q ratio images for the wing and adjacent dorsal hinge primordia of discs of increasing age and size [from early, middle, and late 3rd instar larvae (L3)], as diagrammed and color coded on the lower left (a/p and d/v indicate the antero-posterior and dorso-ventral compartment boundaries; the dashed box indicates the area shown in the micrograph). Images are shown at the same magnification and scanning resolution (red scale bar = 20μm). Q is lower (greener) at the center of the wing primordium and in the vicinity of the A/P and D/V compartment borders and higher (redder) at the periphery, away from the borders.
B) Q ratio image of a wing primordium peppered with small clones of cells expressing CWT (left). Both Q and acceptor channel (CWT) images for two individual clones (turquoise and purple boxed areas 1 and 2) are shown on the right (arrows point in the distal-to-proximal direction). As in A, Q shows a general, tissue wide increase (from green to red) in the distal-to-proximal direction, but shows no obvious differential comparing the distal versus the proximal edges of small clones. See Fig. S2 for a direct, quantitative comparison of the apical accumulation of Dachs-GFP, CWT protein and Q in a single disc lightly peppered with small clones expressing Dachs-GFP or CWT.