Fig. 3.
Effect of BI-2536 and mitotane on SW-13 and H295R cell lines and their tumor xenografts: Mitotane and BI-2536 did not lead to increased cell death in either SW-13 (a) or H295R (b) as compared to mitotane alone. The above experiments were done 3 individual times and data are presented as means with standard error. BI-2536 showed inhibited tumor growth to a greater extent in xenografts of SW-13 (p = 0.0001 versus vehicle, p = 0.0002 versus mitotane, c compared to the H295R xenograft model (p = 0.445 versus control, p = 0.0295 versus mitotane, (d). The difference in response may be due to the difference in p53 status of the cell lines. SW-13 is heterozygous for a mutation in p53 while H295R is wild-type for p53