Table 1.
District of Ciutat Vella | Value | Units |
Total population | 105,123 | Persons |
Immigrant population | 43.2% | Percentage |
Population <=10 years old | 7.57% | Percentage |
Population 10–65 years old | 77.7% | Percentage |
Population > 65 years old | 14.73% | Percentage |
Total annual mortality | 0.83% | Percentage |
Detected cases of TB | 64 | Persons |
Detected cases of TB (native) | 11 | Persons |
Detected cases of TB (immigrant) | 53 | Persons |
Cavitation forms∗ | 22% | Percentage |
Diagnosis delay (median) | 39 | Days |
Diagnosis delay native (median) | 42 | Days |
Diagnosis delay immigrants (median) | 33 | Days |
Treatment abandonment rate∗ | 2.2% | Percentage |
Alive cases of VIH+ | 440 | Persons |
Detected cases of TB/VIH+ | 32 | Persons |
Risk factors∗ | 24.1% | Percentage |
Diabetes cases | 5.6% | Percentage |
These data correspond to Ciutat Vella demography and TB indicators in 2012, and they were used for defining the initial population and input parameters.
All percentages are with respect to the total population of Ciutat Vella, except (∗) that are with respect to the total number of TB sick people.