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. 2016 Jan 12;16:5. doi: 10.1186/s12877-016-0187-4

Table 2.

Characteristics of identified studies

Author, year, Country [Reference Number] Study design Sample characteristics (n, age, gender) Primary diagnosis Rehabilitation setting Discharge destination
Bergés et al., 2008, United States [29] Retrospective cohort study n = 63,793; mean age = 71.7; 66.5 % female Hip replacement Inpatient rehabilitation facilities Home vs. not home
Chang et al., 2008, United States [9] Retrospective cohort study N = 9,240a; mean age = 78.8; 47 % female Traumatic brain injury Inpatient rehabilitation facilities Home vs. not home
Chin et al., 2008; Hong Kong [10] Prospective cohort study n = 303, mean age = 82, 70 % female Hip fracture Inpatient rehabilitation hospital Home vs. not home
Graham et al., 2008; United States [7] Retrospective cohort study N = 42,479; mean age = 82.2; 31.4 % female Hip fracture Inpatient rehabilitation facilities Home vs. not home
Hershkovitz et al.,2007; Israel [30] Prospective cohort study N = 133; mean age = 80; 79.7 % female Hip fracture Rehabilitation unit of a geriatric hospital Home vs. nursing home
Kay et al., 2010; United States [22] Retrospective cohort study N = 1,645, mean age = 70; 57.1 % female Non-traumatic spinal cord injury Inpatient rehabilitation facility Residence vs. nursing home
Kurichi et al., 2013; United States [31] Retrospective observational study N = 1,480b, mean age = 66.8; 100 % male Lower extremity amputation Veterans Affairs Medical Centers Home vs. not home
New, 2007; Australia [23] Retrospective, 3-year case series N = 70, mean age = 65; 54.3 % female Non-traumatic spinal cord injury Tertiary medical unit Home vs. not home
Sansone et al., 2002; United States [27] Retrospective study N = 143, median age = 70; 39.9 % female Cardiac patients Public acute long-term care hospital Home vs. not home
Siebens et al., 2012, United States [32] Multi-site prospective observational cohort study N = 224; mean age = 76.8; 78 % female Hip fracture 9 skilled nursing facilities and 11 inpatient rehabilitation facilities Home vs. not home
Vincent et al., 2006; United States [33] Retrospective study N = 332, mean age = 70.6; 63.6 % female Total hip arthroplasty Inpatient rehabilitation hospital Home vs. not home
Vincent et al., 2006; United States [25] Retrospective study N = 424; mean age = 70.7; 70 % female Total knee arthroplasty Inpatient rehabilitation hospital Home vs. not home
Vincent et al., 2006; United states [26] Retrospective study N = 402; mean age = 70.8; 62.9 % female Total hip arthroplasty Inpatient rehabilitation hospital Home vs. not home
Vincent et al., 2007; United States [24] Retrospective, comparative study N = 146; mean age = 70.8; 70.1 % female Total knee arthroplasty Inpatient rehabilitation hospital Home vs. not home
Vincent et al., 2008; United States [34] Retrospective study N = 23,649, mean age = 70.2; Female = 67 % Total hip or knee arthroplasty Inpatient rehabilitation facility Home vs. not home
Vincent et al., 2009; United States [35] Retrospective, comparative study N = 1,947, mean age = 71; female = 70.5 % Total hip arthroplasty Inpatient rehabilitation facilities Home vs. not home
Vincent et al., 2010; United States [14] Multicenter, retrospective study N = 5,421, mean age = 69.8; 68.6 % female Total knee arthroplasty 15 Inpatient rehabilitation facilities Home vs. not home
Yan et al., 2013; United States [28] Retrospective study N = 119; mean age = 67.4; 5.9 % female Total knee arthroplasty/bilateral knee surgery/total hip arthroplasty Inpatient rehabilitation in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center Home vs. not home

vs. stands for ‘versus’. “Home” discharge means discharge to home, the community or an assisted living facility. Discharge to “not home” means discharge to a variety of inpatient care facilities, such as a skilled nursing facility, a nursing home, or acute care

aBefore hospitalization, 8 % of the total population came from intermediate care or another hospital

bBefore hospitalization, 1.5 % of the total population lived in an institution