Table 2.
Characteristics of identified studies
Author, year, Country [Reference Number] | Study design | Sample characteristics (n, age, gender) | Primary diagnosis | Rehabilitation setting | Discharge destination |
Bergés et al., 2008, United States [29] | Retrospective cohort study | n = 63,793; mean age = 71.7; 66.5 % female | Hip replacement | Inpatient rehabilitation facilities | Home vs. not home |
Chang et al., 2008, United States [9] | Retrospective cohort study | N = 9,240a; mean age = 78.8; 47 % female | Traumatic brain injury | Inpatient rehabilitation facilities | Home vs. not home |
Chin et al., 2008; Hong Kong [10] | Prospective cohort study | n = 303, mean age = 82, 70 % female | Hip fracture | Inpatient rehabilitation hospital | Home vs. not home |
Graham et al., 2008; United States [7] | Retrospective cohort study | N = 42,479; mean age = 82.2; 31.4 % female | Hip fracture | Inpatient rehabilitation facilities | Home vs. not home |
Hershkovitz et al.,2007; Israel [30] | Prospective cohort study | N = 133; mean age = 80; 79.7 % female | Hip fracture | Rehabilitation unit of a geriatric hospital | Home vs. nursing home |
Kay et al., 2010; United States [22] | Retrospective cohort study | N = 1,645, mean age = 70; 57.1 % female | Non-traumatic spinal cord injury | Inpatient rehabilitation facility | Residence vs. nursing home |
Kurichi et al., 2013; United States [31] | Retrospective observational study | N = 1,480b, mean age = 66.8; 100 % male | Lower extremity amputation | Veterans Affairs Medical Centers | Home vs. not home |
New, 2007; Australia [23] | Retrospective, 3-year case series | N = 70, mean age = 65; 54.3 % female | Non-traumatic spinal cord injury | Tertiary medical unit | Home vs. not home |
Sansone et al., 2002; United States [27] | Retrospective study | N = 143, median age = 70; 39.9 % female | Cardiac patients | Public acute long-term care hospital | Home vs. not home |
Siebens et al., 2012, United States [32] | Multi-site prospective observational cohort study | N = 224; mean age = 76.8; 78 % female | Hip fracture | 9 skilled nursing facilities and 11 inpatient rehabilitation facilities | Home vs. not home |
Vincent et al., 2006; United States [33] | Retrospective study | N = 332, mean age = 70.6; 63.6 % female | Total hip arthroplasty | Inpatient rehabilitation hospital | Home vs. not home |
Vincent et al., 2006; United States [25] | Retrospective study | N = 424; mean age = 70.7; 70 % female | Total knee arthroplasty | Inpatient rehabilitation hospital | Home vs. not home |
Vincent et al., 2006; United states [26] | Retrospective study | N = 402; mean age = 70.8; 62.9 % female | Total hip arthroplasty | Inpatient rehabilitation hospital | Home vs. not home |
Vincent et al., 2007; United States [24] | Retrospective, comparative study | N = 146; mean age = 70.8; 70.1 % female | Total knee arthroplasty | Inpatient rehabilitation hospital | Home vs. not home |
Vincent et al., 2008; United States [34] | Retrospective study | N = 23,649, mean age = 70.2; Female = 67 % | Total hip or knee arthroplasty | Inpatient rehabilitation facility | Home vs. not home |
Vincent et al., 2009; United States [35] | Retrospective, comparative study | N = 1,947, mean age = 71; female = 70.5 % | Total hip arthroplasty | Inpatient rehabilitation facilities | Home vs. not home |
Vincent et al., 2010; United States [14] | Multicenter, retrospective study | N = 5,421, mean age = 69.8; 68.6 % female | Total knee arthroplasty | 15 Inpatient rehabilitation facilities | Home vs. not home |
Yan et al., 2013; United States [28] | Retrospective study | N = 119; mean age = 67.4; 5.9 % female | Total knee arthroplasty/bilateral knee surgery/total hip arthroplasty | Inpatient rehabilitation in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center | Home vs. not home |
vs. stands for ‘versus’. “Home” discharge means discharge to home, the community or an assisted living facility. Discharge to “not home” means discharge to a variety of inpatient care facilities, such as a skilled nursing facility, a nursing home, or acute care
aBefore hospitalization, 8 % of the total population came from intermediate care or another hospital
bBefore hospitalization, 1.5 % of the total population lived in an institution