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. 2015 Jul;20(3):213–224. doi: 10.17712/nsj.2015.3.20140757

Table 1.

Relevant studies showing the association of the occipital lobe in the brain of schizophrenic patients.

Author/publication year Country Study design Population Sample size Diagnostic criteria Main findings
Spalletta G et al, 201532 Italy USA Cross-sectional study 21 schizophrenia into its deficit (SZD) patients, 21 schizophrenia into its non-deficit (SZND) patients, and 21 healthy controls 63 DSM-IV-TR Radial diffusivity was found to be higher in the left forceps minor of schizophrenia into its deficit (SZD) patients, in the left internal capsule of schizophrenia into its non-deficit (SZND) patients, and in the right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus in the whole schizophrenia group. Mean diffusivity increased from healthy controls to SZD patients to SZND patients in the right occipital lobe
Guo X et al, 201333 China USA Cross-sectional study 57 patients (27 short DUP * and 30 long DUP*) and 30 healthy controls 87 The structured clinical interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders–Clinician Version administered by clinicians (QL and YS) Long DUP was found to be linked with temporal and occipitotemporal gray matter volume reduction in treatment naive schizophrenia.
*Duration of untreated psychosis
Anderson D et al, 201334 USA Cross-sectional study Fifty-five patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar I disorder 55 Clinical interview using the SCID for DSM-IV Disorders Schizophrenic patients have lower fractional anisotropy in temporal (superior temporal and parahippocampal) and occipital (superior and middle occipital) white matter compared to patients with bipolar disorder and healthy volunteers
Nieuwenhuis M 2012, et al35 The Netherlands Cross-sectional study 239 subjects (128 patients and 111 healthy controls) independent sample of 277 subjects (155 patients and 122 healthy controls) 516 Patient=DSM-IV-TR Gray matter density was found to be increased in the left occipital lobe and the basal ganglia
Healthy participants=never been mentally ill
Fujimoto T et al, 201336 Japan Cross-sectional study 10 right-handed male schizophrenia patients and 10 healthy controls 20 DSM-IV-TR criteria A positive correlation of auditory hallucination and left occipital and right frontoparietal lobe areas was found
Yao L et al, 201337 China Meta-analysis (DTI) 271 first episode schizophrenia patients and 297 healthy controls 568 Inclusion exclusion criteria by keywords White matter changes in the left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus was found
Plomp G et al, 201342 Switzerland Cross-sectional study 20 schizophrenic patients (14 patients were inpatients; 8 were outpatients) 20 controls 40 (DSM-IV) criteria, based on SCID-CV Activity reduction was mostly seen in lateraloccipital cortex (in the ventral stream)
Chan WY et al, 201043 Singapore Cross-sectional study 103 individuals comprising of 39 patients with first-episode schizophrenia and 64 healthy controls 103 DSM-IV First episode schizophrenic patient have lower white matter volume (right temporal-occipital region) diffusion anisotropy in the right temporal-occipital region revealed lower planar anisotropy, and higher linear anisotropy
Miyata J et al, 201044 Japan Cross-sectional study 26 schizophrenia patients and 27 healthy controls 53 Patient edition of the Structural Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis – 1 Disorder Facial emotion recognition subtask demonstrated a noteworthy relationship with fractional anisotropy reductions in the left occipital white matter
Gutierrez D et al, 201545 Spain Germany Cross-Sectional study 101 first-episode psychosis patients (FEP) and 69 healthy volunteers 170 DSM-IV Gradual reduction of gray matter volume in the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes of schizophrenic patients was found.
Pirnia T et al, 201552 USA Cross-sectional study 26 schizophrenia patients (mean age: 33, 19m/7f), 30 controls (mean age: 29, 24m/6f), and 14 unaffected relatives of patients (mean age: 40, 5m/9f). 70 DSM-IV-Patient Version(SCID-1/P) and informant information Temporo-occipital and parietal region hyper-activations were observed
Hart SJ et al, 201353 USA Cross-sectional study 21 children with a first-degree family member with schizophrenia and 21 controls without FHR 42 DSM IV Disorders for adults and the Washington University Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for children It was found that during emotional processing, the FHR group showed reduced anterior cingulate activation, with reduced age-related recruitment of inferior frontal, parietal and occipital areas
Rigucci S et al, 201354 Italy Cross-sectional study 19 patients with first episode of non-affective psychosis and 18 controls 37 DSM-IV-TR criteria Loss in facial emotion recognition was found to be linked with temporo-occipital gray matter volume reduction
Calderone DJ et al, 201355 USA Cross-sectional study 15 schizophrenic patients and 15 healthy volunteers 30 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) and available clinical information Occipital activation volume reduction was observed
Collin G et al, 201356 The Netherlands Cross-sectional study 146 schizophrenia patients and 122 healthy comparison subjects 268 DSM-IV Reduced coupling was most prominent between fronto-parietal cortical regions and subcortical structures, and between frontal and occipital regions. Moreover, a marked association was found among frontal and limbic regions, and for temporo-occipital connections
Woodward ND et al, 201257 USA Cross-sectional study 62 patients with schizophrenia and 77 healthy subjects 139 The Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnosing DSM-IV Disorders (SCID: 19) There was no difference in temporal, posterior parietal, or occipito-cortex connectivity with the thalamus
Hoptman MJ et al, 201259 USA Cross-sectional study 23 healthy controls 25 patients 48 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders, Patient version (SCID-I/P) Notable reductions in VMHC in patients in the occipital lobe, the thalamus, and the cerebellum
Fujimoto T et al, 201261 Japan Cross-sectional study 10 right-handed male schizophrenia patients 10 DSM-IV-TR criteria ERD and ERS changes were found in the left temporal pole and midline frontal and anterior cingulate cortex in theta ERS, occipital lobe in alpha ERS, and right temporal-frontal-parietal, midline frontal, and anterior cingulate cortex in beta ERD

DSM-IV-TR - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, SZD - deficit, SZND - non-deficit, FHR - Familial High Risk, VMHC - voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity, ERD - event-related desynchronization, ERS - synchronization, DTI - diffusion tensor imaging, DUP - duration of untreated psychosis, SCID - Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, SCIM - scanlan collaborative interview method, M - male, F - female