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. 2015 Sep 3;14(3):ar28. doi: 10.1187/cbe.14-06-0103

Table 1.

Sample interview protocol

1. Tell me a little bit about your background: Where did you get your undergraduate degree, and what did you major in?
2. How did you first hear about the Bridges program? [Did you know Dr. Y (MSI program coordinator) before enrolling?]
3. At that point, how certain were you about wanting to get a Ph.D?
 a. How clear was your sense of what you wanted to study?
4. Did you have concerns ahead of time about enrolling in Bridges? What were they?
5. What did you know about [midwestern institution] and [midwestern city] when you first enrolled in the program?
6. This summer when you came to [midwestern state], where were you at in your graduate work at [MSI]? Had you started any of the research or the writing for your thesis?
7. How was it decided who your mentor at [midwestern institution] would be?
 a. Did you have any interaction with Dr. X [midwestern mentor] before you came up for the summer?
8. Was there anything you did ahead of time to prepare for your summer in [state]?
9. How was it decided what you would work on during your time in the lab?
 a. How well prepared did you feel once you realized what you would be working on?
10. Who else was working in Dr. X’s lab?
 a. Who supervised your work? How much contact did you have with him/her?
 b. How comfortable did you feel with the other people in Dr. X’s lab?
 c. How often did you met with Dr. X? What sorts of things did you talk about?
11. How did the lab work go?
 a. If you had trouble understanding something or getting something to work properly, how comfortable did you feel asking for help?
 b. How good were they at providing the help you needed?
 c. What was you lab schedule like?
 d. How did your lab experience that summer compare to what you thought it would be like?
 e. Is there anything you wish you had known or been told about beforehand?
12. Tell me about your poster presentation and how that went.
 a. How easily were you able to take what you’d worked on during the summer and turn it into a presentation?
 b. Had you ever done anything like that before?
 c. How did you feel about your poster presentation and how it went?
13. How comfortable did you feel living in [city] during the summer?
 a. Where did you live?
 b. Was it difficult being away from family and friends back home?
14. Who was in charge of coordinating the program in [state] this summer?
 a. How often did the Bridges students meet with Dr. X?
 b. How often did you meet with [academic advisor]?
15. What would you describe as the highlight of your summer experience?
16. What were the most difficult or challenging things about this summer in [state]?
17. Was there anything Dr. X or her lab group could have done to make it a better or more productive experience?
18. How much contact do you have with other students in the Bridges program during the school year?
19. Is interacting with other students in the program helpful to you? In what way?
20. How much interaction do you have with Dr. Y?
 a. What do you see his role in the program as being?
 b. What sort of assistance or advice have you gotten from him?
 c. Is there anything you think Dr. Y could be doing to be more effective in his role?
21. Has your experience in [state] changed the way you approached your classes, your studying, or your research at [MSI]? In what way?
22. What has been the most valuable or rewarding aspect of participating in this program?
23. If there were things about the Bridges program that you could change, what would they be?
24. What advice would you give to another [MSI] student who is thinking about enrolling in Bridges?
25. If you knew they would listen, what advice would you give to a faculty mentor at [midwestern institution] who is thinking about taking an [MSI] student into his or her lab for the first time?