A schematic diagram of cryo-EM sample-preparation procedures. a) A 3–4 μL sample solution is deposited onto the holey carbon coated TEM grid, which was previously glow-discharged. b) The grid is then incubated for approximately one minute. c–e) Excess solution is removed by blotting with filter paper (c), and then quickly plunged into liquid ethane [(d,e) Reproduced with permission.[192] Copyright 1999, Hanspeter Niederstrasser/Snaggled Works]. f) The frozen grid, with vitrified ice covering the carbon film holes, is then transferred to liquid nitrogen for storage. g) The grid is imaged under liquid nitrogen temperature of −170 °C to −180 °C. h) An electron beam passing through the vitrified ice projects the 3D sample into a 2D image, which is recorded by CCD. h) Reproduced with permission.[193] Copyright 2010, Greg Pintilie.