A) Larvae were presented with gratings moving to the right (green) or left (magenta). B) This induces the optomotor response (OMR) and turning in the direction of motion (n = 18 fish per group, mean +/− SEM). C) MAP-Map highlighting the differential activity of fish presented in B, revealing increased activity for rightward (green) and leftward (magenta) motion. Pretectum (PT) and anterior hindbrain (aHB). (n = 17/18, right/left). D) Two-photon GCaMP5G Ca2+ imaging data from 17 fish stimulated with moving gratings were registered into the Z-Brain, and compared to the MAP-Map. Shown are Z and X projections. E) Virtual colocalization analysis to Z-Brain labels, comparing the OMR-induced activity in the medial-aHB (m-aHB) and lateral-aHB (l-aHB) to the Tg(Gad1b:GFP) label. The MAP-Map activity patterns are shown as outlines of the activated areas. F)
Tg(Gad1B:GFP) fish were presented with gratings moving to the right, to compare the pERK level within the Gad1B-positive cells in the m-aHB and l-aHB. Shown are pERK level probability histograms, revealing significantly increased pERK levels on the right side of the brain (p=4.3×10−25, and p=8.2×10−15 for the m-aHB and l-aHB respectively, ranksum test, n=8 fish). The inset shows the results for non-GFP labeled cells, which do not show such a strong (although still significant) shift in distribution (p=6.9×10−4, and p=3.6×10−3 for the m-aHB and l-aHB, respectively). Scale bars represent 50um.