Fig 2. CC-509 blocks Tel-Syk cellular activity.
(A) Design of human Tel-Syk fusion construct. Indicated are amino-terminal myristoylation motif, major Tel and Syk domains (amino acid numbers of each are shown), Not I cloning sites, and carboxy-terminal V5/ His tag. (B) Top panel: Western blot displaying Syk phosphorylation (Y525/Y526) in Tel-Syk or Tel- expressing BaF3 cells. Bottom panel: CC-509 inhibits growth factor-independent growth in Tel-Syk expressing BaF3 cells. Data expressed as percent DMSO-treated control, mean ± SD. (C) Top panel: In-cell western (ICW) image showing CC-509 inhibition of Tel-Syk dependent Syk phosphorylation (Y525/Y526) in Hek cells. Concentration of CC-509 increasing from left to right. Bottom panel: Quantation of top panel. Data expressed as percent DMSO-treated control, mean ± SD.