Motor axon growth and mRNA expression in Munc18-1−/− mice. A schematic of limb innervation by LMC neurons shows the dorsoventral (D-V) divergence of axons from neurons of the medial (red) and lateral (green) LMC at the base of the limb. In the E12.5 crural plexus, axons diverge normally at the base of the limb as determined by neurofilament expression (A, B). These axons also express EphA4 in the dorsal nerve branches (C, D) and DCC in both branches (E, F). In the distal hindlimbs of E13.5 mice (G, H), motor axons defined by coexpression of neurofilament (red) and ChAT (green) are present in both WT and Munc18-1−/− mice. Arrowheads point to innervation found in both genotypes. I, Schematic of the Munc18-1 allele. Exons deleted in the Munc18-1-null allele are aligned below the remaining exons; color indicates the expression level of exons in Munc18-1−/− mice compared with WT as determined by microarray. J, Volcano plot of mRNA expression at the probe level in Munc18-1−/− spinal cords versus WT. Only the exons deleted in the Munc18-1-null allele are downregulated (red dots); exons retained in the-null allele (blue dots) are not downregulated.