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. 2016 Jan 13;16:16. doi: 10.1186/s12870-015-0696-x

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics, h 2, and mean squares of ANOVA results for the traits measured across two normal-N conditions in CK60 x China17 RIL population

Category Source of variation Df Chl1 Chl2 Chl3 PH AD MC1 MC2 BY GY TW GS
Descriptive statistics CK60 49.8 55.6 53.6 99 71.5 68.6 24.8 7.69 2.89 20.3 0.52
China17 46.6 52.7 48.3 150 66.3 65 19.5 14.6 6.25 31.6 0.95
RIL Mean 47.8 53.3 47.2 161.3 67 66.5 19.4 11.2 3.39 23.6 0.47
Std 4.09 3.72 5.85 35 4.2 3.32 6.34 3.99 1.49 3.15 0.16
Min 38.7 38.2 32.3 70 55.1 52.8 8.16 3.09 0.4 14.4 0.05
Max 58.4 62.2 62.5 236.5 85.9 76.1 46.8 24.2 9.04 29.9 0.88
h2 (%) 71 56 51 64 61 40 53 62 55 64 39
SE (%) 6 9 10 7 8 12 9 0.8 9 7 12
ANOVA Env 1 626.9 4276*** 17016*** 40478 11333*** 347.6 4500 271.6 32.8* 946.9 0.07
Rep(Env) 2 89.1* 9.93 57.8 10976** 55.6* 191.1** 2501*** 34.6 2.57 1483*** 0.02
Blk(Env*Rep) 44 12.5 12.0* 40.4*** 429* 11.3 14.8 31.7 13.1 2.43* 5.69 0.02
Line 130 50.9*** 41.9*** 105.3*** 4037*** 49.6*** 34.3** 123.9*** 49.4*** 6.8*** 28.0*** 0.08**
Env*Line 104 15.6** 18.1*** 58.2*** 1634*** 20.5** 21.8** 59.3*** 19.6*** 3.2*** 10.5*** 0.048***
Residual 190 9.74 8.06 16.7 290 12.8 12.7 26.7 10.5 1.54 5.2 0.02

Df, degrees of freedom; chlorophyll contents at vegetative stage (Chl1), at anthesis (Chl2), and at maturity (Chl3); PH, plant height (cm)

AD, days to anthesis; MC1, % stover moisture content; MC2, % head moisture content; BY, biomass yield (t.ha−1); GY, grain yield (t.ha−1)

TW, test weight (g); GS, grain/stover ratio (%). Std, standard deviation; h2 (%), narrow sense heritability; SE (%), standard error %; ***P < 0.0001; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05