FIG 3.
Radioimmunoprecipitation assays with NTHi strain 12 using 7.5% acrylamide gels. Left panel: acute and convalescent-phase serum samples from the child infected with NTHi strain 12 and serum from an unrelated adult assayed against whole bacterial cells. Right panel: tissue culture supernatants containing one of four HMW1- and HMW2-specific monoclonal antibodies assayed against presolubilized and whole cells. Lane 1, radiolabeled proteins present in the labeled bacterial cells; lanes 2 to 4, radiolabeled proteins immunoprecipitated by a child acute-phase serum sample, a child convalescent-phase serum sample, and an adult serum sample (same adult as shown in Fig. 2, lane 3), respectively; lane 5, radiolabeled proteins present in labeled bacterial cells; lanes 6 to 14, radiolabeled proteins immunoprecipitated by tissue culture medium alone (lane 6) and tissue culture supernatants from hybridomas expressing monoclonal antibody 1C3, 1E7, 4B2, or 5C7 assayed against presolubilized cells (lanes 7 to 10, respectively) or whole bacterial cells (lanes 11 to 14, respectively). Ordinate: molecular mass in kilodaltons.