FIG 4.
Chromosomal integration of genetic constructs for increasing sulfur-carbon flow toward Hcy and the improved ABM production. (A) Comparison of attB sequences identified in the Streptomyces genomes. (B) Diagram of the major chromosomally integrated constructs. (C) HPLC chromatograms of purified albomycins of S. griseus ATCC 900794 WT and the mutants. Albomycin δ2 is the major product. Other albomycin congener (ferrichrome) or variants (δ1) were eluted from the HPLC column before or after the δ2. (D) ABM production of the analyzed chromosomal mutants. Each production level is the average of at least three experimental replicates; the standard error is represented by an error bar. **, P < 0.01.