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. 2015 Sep 22;53(1):337–347. doi: 10.1007/s13197-015-2037-3

Table 3.

Effect of germination and dehulling on functional properties (Bulk density, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity) of horsegram flours

Genotype Bulk density (g/ml) Water absorption capacity (%) Oil absorption capacity (%)
HG-6 0.76c 0.65bcd 0.86b 127.51b 66.02g 134.05f 85.92e 55.20e 106.58d
HG-1 0.76cd 0.62e 0.83de 128.48b 67.63f 139.35cdef 94.48a 70.52a 113.66a
HG-9 0.73e 0.64cde 0.85bc 134.69b 81.37b 143.04cd 91.47bc 57.16d 110.60b
HG-3 0.75d 0.64cd 0.86b 125.20b 62.44h 134.32f 81.82f 53.41f 95.07h
VLGahat 19 0.77bc 0.66cd 0.89a 134.47b 71.57d 142.85cd 82.61f 56.51de 102.64f
HPK 4 0.78ab 0.66b 0.81e 145.23ab 83.19a 155.67a 92.26b 60.12c 109.25bc
VLG-31 0.76cs 0.62e 0.84cd 129.78b 67.62f 145.06bc 89.82cd 53.80f 102.57f
VLGahat1 0.72e 0.65bcd 0.81e 131.57b 75.59c 142.11cd 90.59cd 60.54c 104.12ef
VLGahat 10 0.77abc 0.63de 0.84cd 227.70a 72.26d 140.46cde 85.76e 56.18de 99.50g
VLGahat 15 0.76cd 0.65bcd 0.83de 122.56b 69.24e 135.37ef 92.47ab 64.49b 107.17cd
HPK 2 0.78a 0.69a 0.89a 139.58b 80.62b 149.99b 88.92d 56.22de 105.28de
VLGahat 8 0.76cd 0.64cde 0.88a 125.52b 70.15e 137.88def 86.79e 56.52de 107.49cd
Average 0.76B 0.65C 0.85A 139.35A 72.31B 141.68A 88.57B 58.39C 105.33A

Data expressed as mean (Mean; n = 3) and standard deviation (SD)

a, b, c and d superscript are significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different cultivar within a column

A, B, C and D superscript are significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different treatment within a row

R Raw, DH Dehulled, G Germinated