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. 2015 Sep 22;53(1):337–347. doi: 10.1007/s13197-015-2037-3

Table 5.

Effect of germination and dehulling on Mineral content (Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu) of horsegram flours (mg/100 g on dry weight basis)

Genotype Ca Fe Zn Cu
HG-6 529.25b 67.41ab 574.20b 52.73fg 26.90gh 75.32bc 44.68b 40.78ab 44.27a 9.35a 9.67d 11.21bcde
HG-1 652.02a 58.35d 737.17a 97.71a 35.78de 78.44bc 33.38f 35.56cd 32.02f 8.09bcd 9.79cd 11.47bcd
HG-9 343.95d 68.85a 425.07c 54.95fg 25.70h 75.78bc 39.99bcde 42.67a 41.05ab 9.26a 12.23a 13.13a
HG-3 370.65c 67.20ab 429.41c 88.00b 30.29fg 98.14a 63.81a 34.33d 34.25def 7.96bcd 10.16bcd 11.63bc
VLGahat 19 342.70d 63.30bc 358.72d 95.42a 33.23ef 67.47d 42.07bcd 38.28abcd 33.64ef 7.51cdef 11.20b 11.93b
HPK 4 139.00g 48.80e 227.52h 61.80de 32.78ef 74.13c 40.80bcde 38.55abcd 40.18ab 6.85ef 11.14b 11.57bc
VLG-31 136.83g 36.56g 235.96gh 57.83ef 27.50gh 99.40a 41.53bcde 40.47ab 39.62abc 7.87bcde 9.40d 10.65ef
VLGahat1 167.03ef 47.78ef 258.96f 57.69ef 44.82a 64.96d 35.38ef 40.06abc 34.37def 8.54abc 12.33a 13.13a
VLGahat 10 175.33e 45.31ef 249.09fg 77.24c 43.66ab 81.13b 37.48cdef 38.35abcd 38.96bcd 6.75f 10.75bc 11.08cde
VLGahat 15 149.75fg 43.50f 245.14fg 55.19fg 40.66bc 57.01e 43.02bc 37.08bcd 38.72bcde 8.71ab 10.36bcd 11.87b
HPK 2 327.52d 48.12ef 424.98c 65.46d 38.92cd 55.85e 39.33bcdef 35.16d 34.48cdef 7.13def 9.89cd 10.84def
VLGahat 8 145.21fg 61.81cd 273.63e 51.75g 41.19abc 56.90e 35.82def 40.57ab 38.11bcde 6.57f 9.32d 10.25f
Average 289.94B 54.75C 369.98A 67.98B 35.12C 73.71A 41.44A 38.49B 37.47B 7.88C 10.52B 11.56A

Data expressed as mean (Mean; n = 3) and standard deviation (SD)

a, b, c and d superscript are significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different cultivar within a column

A, B, C and D superscript are significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different treatment within a row

R Raw, DH Dehulled, G Germinated