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. 2014 Nov 29;3(3):139–144. doi: 10.15420/aer.2014.3.3.139

Table 1: Gene Therapy Targets and Strategies for Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation.

Study Type of Strategy Transgene or Target Findings Species Vector Delivery Method
Rhythm Control
Kikuchi et al. 200533 Reentry-disrupting interventions by prolongation of APD Human KCNH2-G628S Atrial APD prolongation. No ventricular effects. Arrhythmia suppression not tested. Swine Ad Epicardial painting
Atrial APD prolongation eliminated burst pacing-induced AF Swine Ad Epicardial painting
Amit et al.201063 Canine Swine Ad Myocardial injection and electroporation
Soucek et al.201246 KCNH2-G627S
Igarashi et al. 201264 Reentry-disrupting interventions by improvement of atrial conduction velocity GJA1, GJA5 Improved atrial conduction and prevented AF Swine Ad Epicardial painting
Bikou et al. 201134 GJA1 Swine Ad Myocardial injection and electroporation
Liu et al. 200873 HDAC class I and II inhibitor HDAC inhibition reduced atrial arrhythmia inducibility and atrial fibrosis Transgenic mice NA
Trappe et al. 201347 CASP3 inhibitor Knockdown of caspase 3 suppressed or delayed sustained AF by reducing atrial cardiomyocyte apoptosis Swine Ad Myocardial injection and electroporation
Li et al. 201276 and 201493 Trigger-disruption by preventing Ca2+ leak from SR CAMK2D inhibitor Inhibition of CaMKII phosphorylation of RyR2 prevented AF induction Transgenic mice NA
Rate Control
Donahue et al. 200031 Modification of AV node of AV node GNAI2 Suppressed AV conduction and reduced ventricular rate by 20 % in anesthetised animals Swine Ad Intracoronary perfusion and catheterisation
Bauer et al. 200480 GNAI2-Q205L Suppressed AV conduction and reduced ventricular rate ~20 % in alert animals Swine Ad Intracoronary perfusion and catheterisation
Lugenbiel et al. 201282 Modification of SA node GNAS siRNA Suppression of Gαs protein expression reduced ventricular rate by 8–17 % during SR Swine Ad Myocardial injection and electroporation,
Murata et al. 200481 Suppress L-type Calcium channel GEM Gem gene transfer to AV node reduced the heart rate by 20 % during AF Swine Ad Intracoronary catheterisation

AF = atrial fibrillation; SR = sinus rhythm, Ad = Adenovirus; AV = atrioventricular; APD = action potential duration; NA = not available.