FIG. 2.
Simulated diffraction pattern ((100) plane) from I3C (“magic triangle”) crystals (orthorhombic. Pbca, a = 9.214 Å, b = 15.735 Å, and c = 18.816 Å) using X-ray pulses at energies of 6.6 keV and 6.685 keV in two-color approach. Crystal size is 0.005 μm × 1.3 μm × 1.5 μm and identical intensity for all Bragg reflections is assumed just to show the Bragg spot positions. Red and blue colors indicate Bragg spots from 6.6 keV and 6.685 keV, respectively. Bragg spots of same index from two colors are clearly separated by detectable displacements. The displacement is approximately 20 pixels at 2 Å resolution ring on CSPAD detector at LCLS with the minimum working distance of 5 mm.