a, Adhesion molecule expression on endothelial cells in control and antibiotics (ABX)-treated mice (n = 4 mice). b, Numbers of spleen, and liver macrophages in control and ABX-treated mice (left, n = 7 mice; right, n = 4 mice). c–d, Numbers of BM macrophages (c; n = 19,19,10,10 mice) and circulating aged neutrophils (d; n = 12,11,10,9 mice) in diphtheria toxin (DT)-treated control, ABX-treated mice, CD169-DTR, and ABX-treated CD169-DTR mice. e, Flow cytometry analysis of aged neutrophils in WT and LysM-cre/Myd88fl/fl mice (n = 12,10 mice). f, Percentages of aged neutrophils in WT, Tlr4−/− and Tlr2−/− mice (n = 10,10,12 mice). g, Flow cytometry analysis of aged neutrophils in WT and Tnf−/− or Csf2−/− mice. h, Percentages of WT and LysM-cre/Myd88fl/fl or Tlr4−/− or Tlr2−/− neutrophils in total leukocyte population in chimeric mice (n = 5 mice). i, Percentages of WT and LysM-cre/Myd88fl/fl or Tlr4−/− or Tlr2−/− neutrophils that capture > 8 beads in chimeric mice (n = 5 mice). Error bars, mean ± s.e.m. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, data representing ≥2 independent experiments analysed with unpaired Student’s t-test (a–f) or paired Student’s t-test (h, i).