Figure 2.
The learning curves (mean choice accuracy ± SD) for the males (black squares and line, N = 30) and workers, with the latter trained either using a 2 h food deprivation period between foraging bouts (dark grey circles and line, N = 11) or allowing for continuous foraging between colony and feeders (light grey circles and line, N = 40) over 50 visits for each of four serially presented colour pairs. (a) Training sequence A started with yellow rewarding feeders (CS+) and blue nonrewarding (CS−) followed by green+/yellow−, purple+/green− and blue+/purple−. (b) Sequence B consisted of purple+ and blue− followed by green+/purple−, yellow+/green− and blue+/yellow−. CD denotes the colour distance in the hexagonal bee colour space between the feeder colours in the presented colour pair ranging from difficult to discriminate (<0.1) to highly discriminable (>0.2).