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. 2016 Jan 8;10:19–25. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S89336

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of patients in the CPEC (N=151) and glaucoma clinics (N=144)

Characteristic CPEC, n (%) Glaucoma, n (%) P-value
Age (years) 0.67
 ⩽50 22 (14.6) 16 (11.1)
 50–80 103 (68.2) 103 (71.5)
 ⩾80 26 (17.2) 25 (17.4)
Sex 0.28
 Female 83 (55.0) 70 (48.6)
 Male 68 (45.0) 74 (51.4)
Race 0.42
 Black 97 (65.5) 97 (71.3)
 White 35 (23.7) 25 (18.4)
 Other 19 (12.6) 22 (15.3)
Insurance type 0.05
 None 8 (5.3) 13 (9.0)
 Medicaid 23 (15.2) 22 (15.3)
 Medicare 62 (41.1) 74 (51.4)
 Private 58 (38.4) 35 (24.3)
Insurance copayment ⩽0.0001
 0 66 (43.7) 111 (77.1)
 US$1–$20 21 (13.9) 9 (6.3)
 ⩾US$20 64 (42.4) 24 (16.7)
Glaucoma status ⩽0.0001
 Suspect 122 (80.8) 29 (20.1)
 Definite 29 (19.2) 115 (79.9)
Medications ⩽0.0001
 ≤2 133 (88.1) 86 (59.7)
 ⩾2 18 (11.9) 58 (40.3)
New patient 0.003
 No 84 (55.6) 104 (72.2)
 Yes 67 (44.4) 40 (27.8)
Prior glaucoma surgery ⩽0.0001
 No 149 (98.7) 89 (61.8)
 Yes 2 (1.3) 55 (38.2)
Visual acuity ⩽0.0001
 20/20–20/100 125 (82.8) 78 (54.2)
 ⩾20/100 26 (17.2) 66 (45.8)
IOP (mmHg) 0.0024
 ⩽21 129 (85.4) 102 (70.8)
 ≥21 22 (14.6) 42 (29.2)
CDR ⩽0.0001
 ⩽0.8 111 (85.4) 39 (37.9)
 ≥0.8 19 (14.6) 64 (62.1)
VF MD 0.0001
 ⩾–2 35 (42.7) 3 (7.9)
 ≤–2 47 (57.3) 35 (92.1)
Rec follow-up 0.97
 1-month 67 (44.4) 66 (45.8)
 3-month 68 (45.0) 63 (43.8)
 6-month 16 (10.6) 15 (10.4)

Abbreviations: CDR, cup-to-disc ratio; CPEC, cataract and primary eye care; IOP, intraocular pressure; Rec, recommended; VF MD, visual field mean deviation.