Fig. 3.
Localization of pheochromocytoma lesions by [18F]-DA or [18F]-DOPA PET in representative animals after i.v. (Panels 1–E) and s.c. (Panel G) injections of MPC cells. Upper panels, A and B, show microCT coronal images using Fenestra contrast agent with respiratory gating in a representative animal after i.v. injection of MPC cells. The animal was imaged on days 38 through 47 after i.v. injection of MPC cells, where panels C and E show rapid growth of liver lesions visible using [18F]-DA PET over a 7-day time period. [18F]-DOPA PET visualization of the same animal over consequent days is shown in panels D and F. Images were acquired at 60–70 min after injection of radiopharmaceuticals. The localization of a large s.c. tumor depicted by transverse and coronal images after s.c. injection of [18F]-DA and [18F]-DOPA into another representative animal is shown in Panel G. [18F]-DA PET imaging reveals very low accumulation of the radiopharmaceutical in the tumor (0.35 SUVmax), almost at the level of nontarget tissue such as muscle (0.31 SUVmax). In contrast, the uptake of [18F]-DOPA by the same tumor was much higher (2 SUVmax). Circles identify the tumor on both transverse and coronal images and arrows points to the liver.