Table 2. Bacterial and fungal isolates used for testing amplification specificity and their corresponding qPCR and LAMP resultsa.
Species/Isolates | # of isolates | Host | qPCR | LAMP |
Alternaria spp. | 1 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Botrytis cinerea | 3 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Cercospora spp. | 1 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Colletotrichum acutatum | 1 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Fusarium oxysporum | 1 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Gnomonia spp. | 2 | Strawberry | 39.0 | 45.0 |
Hainesia lythri | 1 | Strawberry | 38.5 | 45.0 |
Macrophomina phaseoli | 2 | Strawberry | 39.7 | 45.0 |
Pestalotiopsis spp. | 2 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Phomopsis obscurans | 3 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Phytophthora cactorum | 3 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Pseudomonas cichorii | 1 | Tomato | 40.0 | 41.1 |
Pseudomonas putida | 1 | Tomato | 37.7 | 41.5 |
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae | 1 | Bean | 37.5 | 45.0 |
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato | 1 | Tomato | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Pseudomonas viridiflava | 1 | Tomato | 37.8 | 39.9 |
Psuedomonas spp. | 4 | Strawberry | 37.7 | 45.0 |
Psuedomonas syringae | 1 | Strawberry | 38.0 | 40.0 |
Pythium irregulare | 1 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Verticillium dahliae | 3 | Strawberry | 39.1 | 45.0 |
Xanthomonas albilineans | 1 | Sugar cane | 38.2 | 45.0 |
Xanthomonas alfalfae | 1 | Citrus | 40.0 | 40.5 |
Xanthomonas arboricola-pruni | 1 | Peach | 38.7 | 39.7 |
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae | 1 | Anthurium | 39.1 | 40.8 |
Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri | 1 | Citrus | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris | 1 | Cabbage | 38.1 | 41.5 |
Xanthomonas campestris pv. euvesicatoria R4 | 1 | Pepper | 39.9 | 45.0 |
Xanthomonas codiaei | 1 | Croton | 38.3 | 40.0 |
Xanthomonas fragariae | 40 | Strawberry | 21.8 | 7.9 |
Xanthomonas fuscans | 1 | Bean | 38.8 | 39.3 |
Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii | 1 | Geranium | 37.3 | 40.6 |
Xanthomonas hyacinthi | 1 | Hyacinthus | 37.7 | 44.7 |
Xanthomonas perforans T4 | 1 | Tomato | 40.0 | 45.0 |
Xanthomonas pisi | 1 | Pea | 37.4 | 39.1 |
Xanthomonas spp. | 1 | Unknown | 39.2 | 40.3 |
Xanthomonas translucens | 1 | Wheat | 37.2 | 41.2 |
Xanthomonas vesicatoria | 1 | Tomato | 39.4 | 40.3 |
Xanthomonas vesicatoria | 1 | Pepper | 39.0 | 39.8 |
Unclassified | 15 | Strawberry | 40.0 | 45.0 |
a qPCR and LAMP data are presented as the means of the Ct and Tt values per microbial species/isolates for qPCR and LAMP, respectively.