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. 2016 Jan 14;11(1):e0147122. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147122

Table 4. Quantification of the effect of incubating strawberry tissues with or without X. fragariae in the sample preparation procedure on downstream DNA amplification.

Incubation without X. fragariaea Incubation with X. fragariaeb Effect of incubation on detectionc
qPCR LAMP qPCR LAMP qPCR t-test LAMP t-test
Media LS-means LS-means LS-means LS-means Mean SE P value Mean SE P value
H2O 35.2 A 33.4 B 35.9 A 38.8 A -0.7 0.650 0.260 -5.4 2.950 0.097
SPB 37.2 A 40.0 A 35.7 A 33.8 A 1.4 0.661 0.051 6.2 3.154 0.076
R2A 32.0 B 14.2 C 31.3 B 16.4 B 0.7 0.426 0.112 -2.2 2.047 0.308
PBS 31.6 B 13.1 C 30.4 B 11.9 B 1.2 0.448 <0.001 1.2 0.295 0.002

a Shown are the effect of incubated strawberry tissue suspension (without added bacteria) in each media on DNA amplification. The data presented are the LS-means of the Ct (qPCR) and Tt (LAMP) values of samples prepared from X. fragariae (104 CFU/mL) freshly mixed with each media suspension (incubated with healthy strawberry tissues alone for 21 h) (Fig 1). The standard errors are 0.731 and 1.77 for qPCR and LAMP, respectively.

b Shown are the detection results of the bacteria-spiked strawberry tissues in each media. The data are presented as the LS-means of the Ct (qPCR) and Tt (LAMP) values of each media at 21 h after incubating 104 CFU/mL of X. fragariae with healthy strawberry tissues. The standard errors are 0.473 and 3.17 for qPCR and LAMP, respectively.

c The effect of incubation of strawberry tissues with X. fragariae on detection is represented by the differences of the corresponding Ct (qPCR) or Tt (LAMP) values between (a) and (b).