LAM/TSC cells were cultured in serum-free medium overnight. The cells were then exposed to different doses of PrlRA (20, 50, 200 ng/ml) for 15 minutes, and subsequently the cells were exposed to 200 ng/ml Prl for 60 minutes or PBS as a control. Then protein extracts were prepared for Western blot analysis, and probed with antibodies for P-STAT3, STAT3, P-Erk and Erk. (A) Western blot to analyze PrlR in LAM/TSC control cells; an antibody against human PrlR detected a protein band of 89–90 kD. (B) Western blot, using antibodies directed against P-STAT3, STAT3, P-Erk and Erk in LAM/TSC cells following treatment as described in Material and methods section. (C) Densitometric quantification of Western blot signals, in which the Y-axis depicts the ratio between phosphorylated STAT3 and Erk to the total protein.