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. 2016 Jan;4(1):E36–E41. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1393247

Table 1. Demographics, use of advanced imaging and classification of Barrett’s esophagus (n = 163).

% (n)
Age range, years
 30 – 40 42 (69)
 41 – 50 36 (59)
 51 – 60 19 (31)
 61 – 70  2 (4)
 > 70  0 (0)
Experience, years
 < 5 26 (42)
 5 – 10 25 (40)
 11 – 15 23 (38)
 16 – 20 19 (17)
 > 20 15 (25)
Use of advanced imaging
 Never 27 (44)
 Certain cases 32 (52)
 Routinely 41 (67)
Endoscopic classification of Barrett’s
 None  9 (14)
 Length only  5 (8)
 Short and long 26 (43)
 Prague C & M 60 (98)