Fig 4. Disruption of YPR114w makes cells hyper-resistant to SPT inhibitors.
A. WT and mutant strains were plated on YPD with or without myriocin (Myr) and incubated at 30°C for 3 days. B. As A, but the upper three rows show mutants in the W303 background, the lower three rows in the YPK9 background. C. As A, but ypr114w∆ cells harboring empty vector pYES2NT (ev) or the same with YPR114w (114) were plated. D. WT B4742 was crossed with ypr114w∆, tetrads were dissected and its four spores aligned horizontally. After two days, the clones were replicated onto YPD media supplemented with nothing, G418 or myriocin (1.2 μg ml-1). E. Growth of WT = BY4742 and ypr114w∆ in liquid YPD with concentrations of myriocin indicated at the top. F. As A, but with SPT inhibitor L-cycloserine.