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. 2015 Nov 1;8(11):14392–14400.

Table 1.

Correlation of clinicophthologic variables with Line-1 hypomethylation in ESCC

Variable No. MI ≤ 0.78 (N = 143) MI > 0.78 (N = 167) Odds ratio (95% CI) P value*
Gender Male 180 89 91 1.38 (0.87-2.17) 0.168
Female 130 54 76
Age (y) ≥ 50 262 129 133 2.36 (1.21-4.59) 0.010
< 50 48 14 34
Size < 3 cm 172 86 86 1.42 (0.90-2.23) 0.127
≥ 3 cm 138 57 81
Tobacco Yes 168 83 85 1.34 (0.85-2.09) 0.208
No 142 60 82
Alcohol Yes 147 74 73 1.38 (0.88-2.16) 0.158
No 163 69 94
Depth of invasion T1-2 224 106 118 1.19 (0.72-1.96) 0.497
T3-4 86 37 49
AJCC Stage I-II 125 39 86 0.35 (0.22-0.57) < 0.0001
III-IV 185 104 81
Lymph node metastasis N0-1 148 60 88 1.47 (0.97-2.24) 0.071
N2-3 262 83 179
Distant metastasis M0 251 123 128 1.40 (0.75-2.59) 0.294
M1 59 20 29
Differentiation G1 88 36 52 0.015
G2 142 59 83
G3 80 48 32

Comparison was done with Pearson’s Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test.