Is there a clear understanding of how the dallas technology products, tools, and e-health services differ from existing, current practice and services? |
Do implementers, service providers, service users, and other partners “buy into” the dallas technology developments, tools, and e-health services? |
How does the implementation of the dallas services and products affect division of labor of work practices, roles and responsibilities, or training needs? |
Do participants (service user/service provider/other individuals) try to develop a “work around” or somehow alter a dallas service, technology, or product? |
Communal Specification
Contextual Integration
Communal Appraisal
Do the dallas implementers, stakeholders, service users, service providers, business leads, third sector, voluntary, and other partners have a shared understanding of the aims, objectives, and expected benefits of the dallas e-health products and service(s)? |
Can implementers, service users, service providers, and other partners who participate in the dallas communities/program sustain its implementation? |
Is there organizational support in terms of resource allocation to enable the service users and service providers to enact a new set of practices to implement the new dallas products or services? |
How do service user groups/service provider groups/service leaders/other groups judge and determine the value of the dallas technology products and other services? |
Individual Specification
Interactional Workability
Individual Appraisal
Do all dallas stakeholders (in each community) have a clear understanding of their own specific tasks and responsibilities in achieving the implementation of the dallas product or services? |
Are key individuals willing to drive the implementation of the dallas products, tools, and services forward? Who are they? |
Do the dallas e-health service(s) and products make routines of practice easier or make people’s work easier? |
How do individual participants/individual service users/other individuals appraise the effects of the implementation of the dallas service, technologies or products on them and their (work/home, as in context of tool resource, etc.) environment? |
Relational Integration
Do all dallas stakeholders understand the value, benefits, significance, and importance of the dallas products or services and their future value? |
Do implementers and participants believe it is right for them to be involved in implementation of dallas services and products? Do they feel they can make a valid contribution to the implementation of the dallas products and services? |
Do service users/service providers/other participants have confidence in using the dallastechnologies, products, and services? |
How do participants and implementers determine the effectiveness (benefits and limitations) or usefulness of the dallas tool, service, or product? How can this be measured? |