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. 2016 Jan 1;98-B(1):40–48. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.98B1.36746

Table I.

The demographics of the patients in the study

40 hips in 39 patients
Gender (M/F) (%) 17 (42.5)/23 (57.5)
Mean age at primary (yrs) (range) 52.8 (28.7 to 71.8)
Mean BMI (kg/m2) (range) 29.9 (22.2 to 50.1)
Unilateral /bilateral metal-on-metal hips (%) 23 (57.5)/17 (42.5)
Hip resurfacing design (%)
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (Smith & Nephew, Warwick, UK) 21 (52.5)
Conserve Plus (Wright Medical, Memphis, Tennessee) 15 (37.5)
Recap (Biomet, Bridgend, UK) 3 (7.5)
Articular Surface Replacement (DePuy, Leeds, UK) 1 (2.5)
Mean component sizes (mm) (range) Femoral 47 (40 to 54)
Acetabular 53 (46 to 60)
Acetabular component position (o)
Mean inclination (range) 49.6 (34.0 to 74.1)
Mean anteversion (range) 10.8 (2.0 to 33.0)
Abnormal radiographic features (%)
Acetabular loosening 7 (17.5)
Femoral loosening 2 (5.0)
Acetabular osteolysis 9 (22.5)
Femoral osteolysis 4 (10.0)
Femoral neck thinning 14 (35.0)
Femoral neck fracture 2 (5.0)
Heterotopic ossification 3 (7.5)
Median blood metal ion concentration in µg/l (IQR) Cobalt: 12.9 (2.4 to 61.5)
Chromium: 11.4 (3.4 to 54.9)
Median pre-revision Oxford hip score (0 to 48 scale) (IQR) 40.5 (27.0 to 47.0)
Mean pre-revision UCLA score (1 to 10 scale) (range) 5.7 (2 to 9)
Pre-revision symptoms (%)
Symptomatic 34 (85)
Asymptomatic 6 (15)
Systemic symptoms 1 (2.5)
Mean time between US and MARS-MRI (days) (range) 14.6 (0 to 90)
Mean time between imaging and revision (mths) (range) 5.3 (0.06 to 12)
Mean time from primary to revision (yrs) (range) 6.3 (1.7 to 11.5)
Mean age at revision (yrs) (range) 59.1 (40.0 to 77.7)
Indication for revision (%)
Pseudotumour 33 (82.5)
ARMD 5 (12.5)
Cup loosening 1 (2.5)
Femoral loosening 1 (2.5)

BMI, body mass index; IQR, interquartile range; MARS-MRI, metal artefact reduction sequence MRI; US, ultrasound; UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles activity score; ARMD, adverse reaction to metal debris