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. 2016 Jan 13;4(1):2325967115625481. doi: 10.1177/2325967115625481


Osteoarthritis Studies: Cell Number and Type, Marrow Harvest and Concentration, Stratification of Defecta

Publication Cell Number or Type of Cells Injected Marrow Harvesting and Concentration Stratification of Focal Cartilage Defect Severity
Centeno et al2 Approximately 10-15 mL of bone marrow aspirate was withdrawn from 6-8 sites. Isolation produced 1-3 mL of BMC injectate, which was then transported via sterile means back to the operating room. Injected with PRP and also lipoaspirate in a second group. The aspirate was processed by hand in a sterile ISO-7 class clean room and in ISO-5 class laminar flow cabinets to isolate the buffy coat through centrifugation. KL 2 patients were significantly more likely (2.2 times) to report ≥50% improvement on the reported outcome scale in comparison with the reference group (KL 3-4 grade).
Kim et al16 Calculated estimation based off of 7 mL of bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells and 10 mL of adipose tissues: 2.4 × 105 adult stem cells and 1.8 × 109 mononuclear cells. Autologous bone marrow of 120 mL is aspirated from ASIS or PSIS of the pelvis by using SmartPReP2 Bone Marrow Procedure Pack BMAC2 kits. KL 1, 2, 3, 4 (12, 24, 33, 6 patients, respectively) (better results KL 1-3; poor results, KL 4).
Hauser and Orlofsky et al12 Whole bone marrow/not fractioned/marrow adipocytes Not concentrated Not reported

aASIS, anterior superior iliac spine; BMC, bone marrow concentrate; BMAC, bone marrow aspirate concentrate; ISO, International Organization for Standardization; KL, Kellgren-Lawrence; PRP, platelet-rich plasma; PSIS, posterior superior iliac spine.