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. 2015 Dec 17;(547):119–132. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.547.9015

Table 2.

Correlations (Pearson) between monthly mean density of adults and larvae of Coptocycla arcuata, Omaspides trichroa and Platyphora axillaris and monthly mean temperature, total precipitation per month and monthly mean percentage of plants with new shoots. For Omaspides trichroa densities of larval aggregations are given. Number of months used are given by n.

Species Stage Temperature (°C) Precipitation (mm) Plants with new shoots
Coptocycla arcuata adults r = 0.922*** (n=20) r = 0.493* (n=20) r = -0.191 (n=20)
larvae r = 0.655** (n=20) r = 0.267 (n=20) r = 0.014 (n=20)
Omaspides trichroa adults r = 0.665*** (n=29) r = 0.702*** (n=29) r = 0.410* (n=29)
aggregations r = 0.422* (n=29) r = 0.260 (n=29) r = 0.280 (n=29)
Platyphora axillaris adults r = 0.608*** (n=29) r = 0.728*** (n=29) r = 0.319 (n=18)
larvae r = 0.218 (n=29) r = 0.558** (n=29) r = 0.336 (n=18)

* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001