Fig. 3.
Disrupted lamination of the cerebellum of Lrp5/6 dCKO mice. (a, b) Nissl-stained P15 transverse sections showing that large cells (asterisks) and small cells (triangles) intermingle in Lrp5/6 dCKO mice, whereas they are separated into the Purkinje cell layer (Pu) and granule cell layer (Gr) in control mice. The molecular layer is clearly visible in control mice, but it is disrupted in Lrp5/6 dCKO mice. (c-f) Immunostainings of Calbindin (c, d) and Pax6 (e, f) indicate an abnormal distribution of Purkinje cells (asterisks, d) and granule cells (triangles, f) in Lrp5/6 dCKO mice compared with control mice at P17 (c, e). Mo, molecular layer. Scale bars, 120 μm in (b) and applies to (a), 200 μm in (d) and applies to (c), and 55 μm in (f) and applies to (e)