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. 2016 Jan 15;14:2. doi: 10.1186/s12963-016-0071-7

Table 5.

Adjusted drug involvement by age group and change vs. reported proportiona

Drug category % [95 % ci]
16–59 year olds ≥60 year olds
Adjustedb % Differencec Adjustedb % Differencec
 Narcotics 81.1 [80.2–82.0] 31.4 [29.9–32.8] 36.5 [32.3–40.7] 39.5 [23.3–55.7]
  Opioid analgesics 32.0 [30.8–33.2] 30.4 [25.6–35.1] 23.4 [19.5–27.3] 42.0 [18.1–65.9]
  Other narcotics 61.8 [60.7–62.9] 37.3 [34.8–39.8] 16.6 [13.6–19.6] 40.7 [15.2–66.2]
 Sedatives 15.2 [14.3–16.2] 60.8 [50.5–71.2] 20.8 [17.0–24.6] 39.2 [13.8–64.6]
 Psychotropics 21.3 [20.3–22.4] 44.4 [37.2–51.7] 20.3 [16.5–24.1] 52.8 [24.1–81.5]
 Other specified 6.7 [6.1–7.4] 38.3 [24.8–51.9] 32.3 [28.2–36.4] 3.8 [−9.2–16.9]
 Unspecified 35.4 [34.3–36.6] −30.5 [−28.2 – −32.7] 36.7 [32.5–40.8] −15.9 [−6.4 – −25.3]
 >1 Major drug classd 29.6 [28.4–30.8] 58.2 [51.8–64.7] 18.3 [14.6–22.1] 63.5 [30.0–97.0]
 Narcotics 83.4 [82.9–84.0] 34.2 [33.4–35.0] 64.0 [62.1–66.0] 35.2 [31.1–39.4]
  Opioid analgesics 54.9 [54.2–55.6] 41.0 [39.2–42.9] 48.9 [46.7–51.1] 39.2 [33.1–45.3]
  Other narcotics 40.6 [39.9–41.3] 38.2 [35.9–40.5] 20.2 [18.6–21.8] 34.4 [23.8–45.0]
 Sedatives 30.2 [29.6–30.9] 60.7 [57.0–64.4] 28.8 [26.7–30.8] 60.5 [49.1–71.8]
 Psychotropics 25.9 [25.2–26.5] 44.8 [41.1–48.4] 27.5 [25.6–29.5] 44.0 [33.8–54.3]
 Other specified 9.6 [9.2–10.1] 48.6 [41.8–55.5] 22.5 [20.8–24.2] 28.9 [19.1–38.8]
 Unspecified 34.1 [33.4–34.7] −31.9 [−30.5 – −33.2] 34.5 [32.5–36.5] −26.7 [−22.5 – −30.9]
 >1 Major drug classd 43.6 [42.9–44.4] 58.8 [56.1–61.5] 36.4 [34.2–38.5] 60.8 [51.3–70.3]

aData from the Multiple Cause of Death files

bAdjusted proportions are average predicted values from probit models, where at least one specific drug is assumed to be mentioned for all poisoning deaths (SPECIFY = 1). Models also control for: sex, race (black, other), Hispanic, currently married, education (high school dropout, high school graduate, some college, college graduate), age (≤20, 21–30, 31–40, 41–50, 51–60, 61–70, 71–80, >80), day of the week of death, and census region

c% Difference shows the percentage difference between adjusted proportions and those obtained directly from mentions on death certificates

dTwo or more of the drug types: opioid analgesics, other narcotics, sedatives, psychotropics, or other specified drugs