A. Metaplastic changes in the mucosae of the corpus of CD44−/− and WT mice 7 months after inoculation with H. pylori were scored from 0 to 3 as described in Material and Methods. *p=0.016. B. Representative images of H&E and AB-PAS stains showing mucous metaplasia in H. pylori-infected gastric corpus of wild type (WT) mice, but not in H. pylori-infected CD44−/− mice (200X magnification). Inset shows higher magnification of a metaplastic gland. Semiquantitative score of the mononuclear (C, *p=0.004; **p=0.008) and polymorphonuclear (D, *p=0.002; **p=0.027) infiltrate in the antrum and corpus of CD44−/− and WT following infection with H. pylori for 7 months; open triangles, antrum; closed triangles, corpus.